It all started at their high school band where Stanley first laid eyes on Daphne. His attraction towards her didn’t come to light until a year later when he asked her to the prom, followed by 2 years of texting, which galvanized their relationship into something more than just friends. They became an item in which after another 4 years their relationship matured, sharing thoughts of a bright future together. This lead to Stanley popping the big question just before her birthday! He decided she was for keeps lol! Now Daphne thinks of Stanley as a bit of a Zohan, a kind of “Merman” as she put it, who loves the water. Daphne’s smile brings joy to Stanley’s heart. Now these two were so cosey and comfortable together. One of the most chilled out sessions we have had so far! Taking a stroll down their favorite spots and shooting from a distance to capture that chemistry was fun! You could almost hear the Barry White soundtrack in the background lol! I am excited about this couple as they have a head start with their wedding plans taking advantage of all the services we have available to them which creates a wonderful experience for their guests. Congrats to you both!
Location: Palm Beach Gardens
Cohart Photography » Weddings, Portraits & Events Photographer, Miami, Ft Lauderdale & Palm Beach

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